Thursday, September 4, 2008

Happy Birthday Kevin !!

My Precious Boy

Still My Precious Boy

This picture is when I first saw him when he came home from his mission. It was pure joy that I felt. He will always be my baby!

Isn't he handsome
I love spending time with him.
He loves with all of his heart.
He is the BEST!


Lanette - Never Give Up! said...

Happy Birthday fabulous, wonderful Kevin!!

Alysha said...


CA Poppy said...

Happy Birthday Kevin! Remember when you were my giant cub scout~I know you should'nt have favorites...but you were mine.Love,Michelle

Brandi said...

Hi! It is so fun to read up on your blog. I am glad to see that you are doing well. Believe me I wish it was cheaper to fly here too, I don't get to see family very often anymore. Sometimes I feel like I am keeping in touch with family better now anyways because of blogs!

Bonnie said...

This is so the picture of Kev when little. Happy Birthday Kevin!

Lisa R said...

I hope I have as close of a relationship with my kids as you do with your kids!

Stephanie said...

Happy birthday Kevin!